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State of Minnesota Takes Over Operation of Another Substandard Nursing Home
By Joel Smith / June 13, 2022

June 13th, 2022
Written by : Kristen R. Rice
For the second time in less than a year, the Minnesota Department of Health has taken control of a nursing home due to concerns about the quality of resident care. On June 11th MDH hired Pathway Health to manage care at Pine Haven Care Center, a skilled nursing home in Pine Island that presently has 52 residents. As was the case last October when MDH put Twin City Gardens under receivership, there was evidence at Pine Haven of unpaid bills and an inability to meet payroll that threatened staffing levels and critical services. Twin City Gardens was ultimately closed due to significant structural deficiencies and the residents were relocated. Under state law, a receivership can last for 18 months.
While not all complaint investigations are reported on the MDH website, a review showed that between August of 2020 and November of 2021 there were 11 substantiated complaints of maltreatment at Pine Haven. Click HERE for more details.
Before you or a loved one enters long term care, do due diligence to research the facility. There are online resources that may give you an idea about the quality of care you can expect, but also go see the facility for yourself and observe staff and residents as facility reports and websites can be deceiving.
Here are some links to resources that can be a starting point:
- Minnesota Nursing Home Report Card (an Assisted Living Report Card is being developed)
- MDH Office of Health Facility Complaints
- Nursing Home survey results
If you or your loved one has suffered from abuse or neglect in a long term care facility, call the Kosieradzki Smith Law Firm for a free consultation: 763-746-7800. We are committed to exposing those who maltreat the most vulnerable members of our society and holding them accountable for the harm they cause