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Birth Injuries
By Kosieradzki Smith Law Firm / July 31, 2013
Unfortunately, not every birth occurs without injury to the baby. Some of those injuries could have been avoided with reasonable care. Injuries that can result from obstetric (OB-GYN) malpractice or hospital negligence include Cerebral Palsy, uterine rupture,hydrocephalus, shoulder dystocia, brachial plexus, oxygen deficiency, brain damage, hyperbilirubinemia, and negligence during the labor and delivery. Birth injuries can vary in severity.
These injuries can be devastating, including brain damage from oxygen deprivation, developmental disorders and cognitive disorders, paralysis and spasticity. Of course, not every birth injury is the result of negligence. The Kosieradzki • Smith Law Firm works with highly qualified and respected medical specialists to determine the cause of the injury and whether the birth injury was caused by medical malpractice.
Such catastrophic life-long injuries can result in catastrophic financial burdens. How will the baby’s highly-specialized and costly care needs be paid for now and throughout the baby’s lifetime? How can the negligent doctor or hospital be held accountable for the harm and expense caused by the malpractice? These are critical and significant questions that require skilled, experienced and dedicated legal representation.
If your baby suffered a birth injury because of medical malpractice, you need a Minnesota birth injury liability lawyer with the skill, experience and dedication needed to tackle the complex factual and legal issues. You can count on and trust the Kosieradzki • Smith Law Firm’s experience, commitment and resources to ensure that your rights are protected. If your baby suffered a birth injury because of medical malpractice, contact the Kosieradzki • Smith Law Firm online or call our firm at (763) 746-7800, or toll-free at (888) 545-7640, for a free no-obligation consultation.